Saturday, January 25, 2020
Do Correctional Officers Abuse Their Authority?
Do Correctional Officers Abuse Their Authority? Correction officers hold considerable power and authority within the corrections system. They are in charge of maintaining discipline and order within the facility at which they work. Many people view correction officers as the cause of violence within the prisons and jail. Others view correction officers as those who are professional, ethical, and hold good moral standards. I purpose a questionnaire consisting of yes, no, and no reply answer choices will help in determining the cause of violence, part of the dark figure of crime, and what percentage of correction officers actually follow by the rules and regulations. Correctional Officers: Do They Abuse Their Authority or Provide Equal Treatment Are correctional officers abusing their powers and authority by mistreating inmates or could they be justice providers and treat the inmates ethically and fair? Many people are lead to believe that inmates are being treated inhumanely by force or coercion into negative living environment and are being treated unethically by the officers who judge them according to the crime they have committed, or by their associations within the facility. Others view correctional officers as the cause of an offender to relapse or to become repeat offenders. The objective of this research is to determine if the treatment correction officers give inmates affect the crime rate in the facility, to determine if inmates are mistreated, to determine if officers allow one another to mistreat inmates, abuse their authority, and to show that this study can contribute to the general understanding of crime or policy responses to crime. The purpose of this research is to determine if correctional officers violate inmates in any way. The purpose is also to determine why violence is still occurring in prisons after the prisoners have been convicted of a crime and given their sentences. This research study will also show how the correction officer job is turning into a multitasked profession. Not only is this research going to be used to show how correctional officers are treating the inmates, but it will also show whether or not more violence is occurring by the inmates towards other inmates or whether or not correctional officers have something to do with the violence occurring within the facility. Literature Review There have been previous studies on correctional officers concerning the abuse of authority. There have been experiments conducted such as the Stanford prison experiment which discovered that correctional officers do feel as if they have more power and can treat the inmates however they feel like. One point of view that one could perceive from the Stanford prison experiment is that ordinary people change once they are put into a situation where they think that they can dominate (Zimbardo, 1999-2009). The impact of social forces has an effect on the behavior and the way a person reacts to the situation (Clements, 1999). The results of that experiment strongly indicated that in certain situations, behavior applies itself which causes the person to act accordingly to the situation. In another study, by Wolff, Shi and Siegel (2009), research concluded that people within the prison system have above-average rates of victimization during both childhood and adulthood. The correctional settings are known for the violence between inmates and staff. The research found evidence showing the rates of victimization being higher in a prison setting then that in a community setting. In a study that examined the characteristics of an officer and the investigations of the use of force, there were conclusions made that there is excessive use of force going on in the correctional facilities. McElvain and Kposowa (2004) acknowledged that departmental experience was the strongest predictor of investigations for alleged use of force. While race had no effect, gender did. Males were more likely to be investigated for the use of force than females. Also, younger officers were more likely to be investigated than older officers. There has always been a history of prison violence and correctional officers abusing the authority. According to Gross (2008), history is replete with incidents of seemingly decent people committing horrendous acts of violence in what they believe to be the pursuit or defense of justice and right. Gross (2008) discussed experiments such as the Stanford Prison Experiment and the BBC Prison Study. Apart of his discussion concluded that both prison studies demonstrated that under some circumstances, some individuals resist going-with-the-flow of group-associated brutality. Gross (2008) also went on to say that if a person with authority over a group of individuals varies in their zero-tolerance stance towards brutality, then brutality may emerge anywhere. There have been numerous studies on correctional officers and brutality including experiments and questionnaires. Butterfield (2004) talks about physical and sexual abuse of prisoners, similar to what has been uncovered in Iraq, takes place in American prisons with little public knowledge or concern, according to corrections officials, inmates and human rights advocates. Discussion The Profession Under the job description for a correction officer, one might find that their duties include being able to guard the prisons in accordance with the set forth policies, procedures, codes, and regulations. The officers responsibilities include watching and protecting the inmates from harm, escape, and contraband, as well as fights that break out amongst the inmates. Officers are allowed to search any inmate that they feel is a threat, as well as directing the inmates to where or what they need to go and do in order to maintain discipline. Correction officers career can get challenging due to the verbal and psychological abuse that they experience. Within the line of their duties, there are several situations that officers can be put in that can have an influence on the officers judgments and actions. Correctional officers have no law enforcement rights outside of the prison. Not being able to enforce the law outside of the prison could lead to correctional officers to want to be more harsh within the area that they are allowed to enforce the law and have authority(McElvain Kposowa, 2004). History The history of corrections, guards, and officer dates back to the 12th Century under King Henry II when he began a structured court system for handling all criminal charges. During the Ancient and Medieval Era, correctional objectives were more about retribution and retaliation rather then incarceration and proportionate sentences. By the mid 1700s, practices were becoming violent and bloody being completely out of proportion with the seriousness of the offense. John Howard, a well known prison reformer began the era of establishing efficient means of penal treatment and crime prevention. (Henry II of England, 2008) According to Villanueva (2007), many of the early 1600s correctional methods were based upon the English law and practices. The roots of this system began during the colonial times in the original thirteen colonies. The jails were used for the people who were awaiting trial or who could not pay their fees and fines. Corporal punishment was designed to be viewed by the public as a form of deterrence. During the late 1700s to the early-mid 1800s, the penitentiary was designed and developed. The Pennsylvania System and the New York Auburn System were two of the most influential penitentiaries to the corrections system. These two systems were designed during a time of land and population growth. Near the beginning of the 1900s, probation and parole became a broad aspect of corrections. Juvenile courts were established and the court system took an individual case approach. Throughout the rest of the 1900s until todays present time, corrections took on the perspectives of providing medical services, community service, and crime prevention and control (Villanueva, 2007). Corruption in Corrections Corruption in the corrections system can and has lead to the dark figure of crime. There are instances where correction officers allow things to go on that they know is against policy, rules, and regulations. Correction officers know that no matter what goes on within the prisons when dealing with the inmates, they have the upper hand. The officers can force the inmates or other faculty members into doing something or letting something go by without saying anything, even though it is illegal from different perspectives. Younger officers should feel the need to follow the rules more closely than the officers that are older with more experience. The young officers characteristics should be more ethical than those of older officers who knows how the operation of the system, however all correctional officers should hold high ethical and moral standards. The work environment for correction officers is a very challenging and hazardous place. Correction Officers have one of the highest rates of non-fatal on-the-job injuries. Many of these injuries occur during confrontations with the inmates. The newer facilities are well ventilated, temperature controlled, and well lighted while other facilities are older with little to no ventilation, no temperature controls, and the lighting is poor. In environments like these, working under stress and pressure would be increased because the nature of the job (Bureau of Labor, 2009). Correctional facilities are known to have an affect on the inmates as well as the staff physically and psychologically. Past experiences of victimization could be relevant causes for adult criminal activity. It would be prevalent to recognize and identify this phenomenon. Suggested Quality Research In todays society, many people believe that inmates are treated poorly once they are incarcerated, while on the other hand, other people believe that the inmates are getting the treatment that they deserve. I have designed a research study that would help in determining whether or not correction officers violate the inmates in any way. The strategy would consist of a questionnaire that contained twenty questions with YES, NO, and NO REPLY answer choices. A copy of the suggested questionnaire may be obtained by contacting the author through the affiliated university. This study could contribute to general understanding of crime or policy responses to crime and I feel that it would be just as beneficial as other similar research if not more significant. The answer choices will help in guaranteeing that the honest answers received will help improve the operational chain of command and the flow procedures within corrections system. The correctional officers can sometimes have an affect on why inmates act a certain way or why they do certain things to themselves and or others. I want this research to show officials that correctional officers allow one another to mistreat inmates without saying a word to anyone. This research will also allow correctional officers to speak anonymously about what is going on in the facility and how they are treating the offenders, whether it is positive or negative by other officers and or staff. A predicted outcome of this research would be that correctional officers do abuse their authority, and that there are crimes going on inside the prison directly resulting from officers actions or directly from the officers. Fellner (2004) discusses that in recent years, U.S. prison inmates have been beaten with fists and batons, stomped on, kicked, shot, stunned with electronic devices, doused with chemical sprays, choked, and slammed face first onto concrete floors by the officers whose job it is to guard them. Inmates have ended up with broken jaws, smashed ribs, perforated eardrums, missing teeth, burn scars not to mention psychological scars and emotional pain. Some have even died as the end result. Both men and women prisoners could face staff rape and multiple forms of sexual abuse and then the officers will bribe, coerce, or violently force the inmates for certain favors. Men and women inmates can experience correctional officers mistreatment and exploitation for many different reasons. Parsons-Pollard (2006) believe that the study of ethics in criminal justice has proliferated over the past 25 years as the public demands a higher level of ethical accountability for those in professional positions. The ethics of criminal justice professionals should be very precise allowing no room for anyone to become corrupt within the system. The ethical values of a corrections officer should be recognized in respect to the expected actions of correctional officers. If the officers are not going to abide by their rules and regulations within their workplace, then the correction officer profession may not be suitable for them. The conclusion and analysis of the result from this study will help to determine whether or not correctional officers are abusing the inmates and how they will address the problem. Sometimes, correctional officers abuse the inmates and take away what rights the inmates do have, making it very noticeable within the prison facilities that there is violence occurring that could be prevented. The best way to conquer this problem is to provide staff with adequate training on controlling their frustrations and anger issues, and to establish a well communicated staff. Even though the inmates are incarcerated for a reason, that doesnt mean that inmates should get poor treatment from the officers while they are incarcerated. The correctional officers are there to provide safety amongst the prison populations and officers should not judge the inmates according to their crime, the judge has already done it. Correction officers need to have current training and development in regards to their positions at the facility. They need to have a common knowledge of the application of law and how it is applied to those incarcerated. They should know the Constitutional Rights as well as the federal and jail standards for their state and province. Each correction officer should be able to conduct searches of both inmates and the areas that they are permitted access such as their cell. It would be relevant to have substance abuse prevention training to have a working knowledge of what substances are being used and abused and how. There are several aspects of corrections. The inmates may all hold different point of views in regards to how they view incarceration. One may view incarceration as a way to do something illegal, get caught and incarcerated, and still be able to receive all the free benefits of being incarcerated such as free food, water, sleeping corridors, television, computer/internet, and legal services. Those incarcerated have a lot more benefits and opportunities then a lot of people that are barely keeping up in life. Another might view prison as the most devastating experience that they have ever encountered. There are physical, emotional, and psychological issues that arise with those that are incarcerated and the officer must be able to understand their changes in behavior in order to maintain discipline. There are situations that may arise within the facilities where the correction officer would have to report to court. An important area that they should be trained in would be courtroom testimony. Other important areas that they should be trained in would be report writing, and how to take fingerprints, pictures, and identification of the offenders being processed. Conclusion Apart of any profession, the employee should be able to provide their employer with professionalism, ethics and morals, and proficient communication skills. These three elements are an important part of the correction officers profession. As apart of the training that they receive, the Correction officers should be well trained in how to respond to a situation where an inmate has taken another person within the facility as a hostage. A correction officer should also be able to respond adequately to a situation where there is a barricaded area. If any emergency were to break out, the correction officers should be able to respond as sufficiently as possible. Offenders all have different reasons as to why they are incarcerated and they are all going to deal with those reasons the best way they know how. Some may not be able to deal with those issues turning them into problems. Psychological issues, abnormal behavior, and thoughts and threats of suicide are all going to be prevalent when dealing with a group of criminals in a somewhat small area. When riots, fights, and or disorder starts to unfold in the prisons and jails, the correction officers are people responsible for being able to respond to the situations. There are situations that a correction officer may face daily that could result in prisoner abuse allegations. Prisoners are incarcerated for a particular reason and they are there because they committed a crime and have been sentenced. The judge is responsible for giving the inmates the sentence that they deserve therefore no official except the judge should be responsible for giving the inmates the treatment as well as the sentence that they get. Correction officers tend to want to give the inmates the treatment they deserve and that leads to the abuse of inmates. This abuse is apart of the dark figure of crime which is crime that goes unnoticed, unaccounted for, and unpunished. Inmates that are serving their sentences accordingly are being punished by the law and they dont need any additional appalling treatment, unless they are acting out or causing more trouble within the system. Officers may believe that because they have the authority to keep the prison under control then they have the authority to treat the inmates however they desire. If they think that they can not get into trouble or will not get into trouble then they will be more prone to doing and completing the actions. There has been a long history of corrections in the United States from retribution to rehabilitation and there has been a history of abuse of inmates from the correction officers. Payment And Delay Issues | Construction Industry Payment And Delay Issues | Construction Industry The construction industry plays an important role in any countrys development process. The industry establishes buildings and infrastructure works required for social economic development which contribute to the overall economic growth. The success of economic development will further lead to an increase in disposal incomes, generating demand for additional construction activities. Therefore, it is important to make sure the economy growth of construction industry is moving smoothly. Payment is considered as the lifeblood of the construction industry because constructions often involve very large capital outlay and take a considerable time to complete (Naseem, 2005). In the construction industry, payment is the sum of money paid to contractors, consultants and suppliers after their works, service or materials has been successfully realized or accepted. Payments are so important to these parties that it is a constant headache for them as problems in construction would always be revolving around the poor payment practices. In cases like this, contractors would be directly affected as they are the one who receive and spend the most amounts of monetary sources in a project done. A regular disbursement of interim payment is a critical point for a contractor to help them survive in the construction field. Whether it is late payment or not being paid in the amounts certified, it all literally means big problems to the contractors as cash flow will be effected. Some small construction companies such as Class F contractors would even close business due to late payments. Cash flow is critical to the construction industry. Even Lord Denning famously said that cash flow is the life-blood of the construction industry. The ease of cash flow is an essential element in delivering a successful project. Many actions have been taken by government to curb the payment problems among contractors. Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu in 2008 for instance has proposed to make direct payments to sub-contractors handling government projects with immediate effect to ensure that they receive the money on time Government officers that delayed the distribution of payments to contractors will be given surcharge. But that does not stop there. Recently, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi shows his concerns over complaints from contractors and suppliers about late payments. He had instructed that all payments must be made within three weeks of the date of receipts of the bills. Government is very particular about this matter because it was giving a negative perception of the current implementation of the 10th Malaysia Plan that is moving at a slow pace. The 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) that runs from 2011-2015 besides reinforcing the New Economic Model (NEM) also reinforced the theme of Towards Higher Income with more measures to transform the nation into a high-income economy. Nonetheless, there are still cases of delayed payment and non-payment in arbitration if not in the court. Contractors are still facing problems in receiving their payments. Arbitration and judicature process not only consumed much time and money but could kill the business as well. As a contractor, what is the most appropriate action should be taken in securing their payments without effecting their business and cash flow? Statement of Problem The construction industry plays a very important role in generating wealth and improving the quality of life of the people through the provision of social and economic infrastructure like infrastructure like schools, hospital, houses, roads, airports, ports etc. It is linked to the whole spectrum of the economy and has a multiplier effect that enables other industries to prosper alongside. Hence, it is vital to ensure that construction projects are effectively and efficiently implemented. Problems of cash flow due to issues on late, under and non-payment can severely affect the implementation of construction projects and thus the provision of the nations infrastructure and built environment. In construction, delay could be defined as the time overrun either beyond completion date specified in a contract, or beyond the date that the parties agreed upon for delivery of a project.Ãâà Delays in payment means there is a delays in progress compared to the baseline schedule. While, problems of delay in payment has continued to worsen in the construction industry (Pitcher, 2010) According to Davenport 2010, the Constructon Industry Development Boards Construction Industry Indicators (CII) had conducted a survey in Cape Town 2009. The survey indicates that only 42% of contractors were paid on time and 58% of payments to contractor were made 30days or more after invoicing. Payments delays in 2009 show quite a significant deterioration compared with the payment delays in 2007 and 2008. CIDBs CEO, Ronnie Khoza states that the issue of payment delays is a very serious matter. The delays could be the result of a poor quality of invoices or corruption within government departments. Contractor Calculator reveals from a latest contractor survey that a whopping 88% of contractors have been receiving their payment late from their agency or client. According to Dave Chaplin, CEO of Contractor Calculator, this is a sad reflection of the times, particularly as 37% of respondents suffering delayed payment have a contract with the public sector. Construction works involve huge amounts of money and most of the contractors find it very difficult to bear the heavy daily construction expenses when the payments are delayed. Work progress can be delayed due to the latepayments from the clients because there is inadequate cash flow to support construction expenses especially for those contractors who are not financially sound. (Murali Sambasivan, 2006) Purposes of Study The construction industry which affected by the cash flow of such projects is getting serious year by year. One of factors causing the problem of cash flow is late payment. In response to the predicted possible concern for this problem, this research is conducted to investigate this issue further in both private and public construction project. Objectives of Study The objective of the study is to compare the factors that contribute to delay in progress payments for construction projects between the private and public sector. Research Questions Delay in construction interim payment consequently affects the progress of the construction project. Either in private or public construction project, payment is the life blood for a project in order to complete in the certain period. Hence, it is important to solve out this problem. To find the solution, we must know the causes influence the late payment. Therefore, this research will enable us to provide the answers for the following questions: What are the factors that contribute to delay in progress payments for construction projects? Is it private sector and public sector influence by the same factors? Significance of Study This research should increase the awareness of both contractors and employers in relation to the payment issues. The contractors should take attention with late payment issue, because it will bring a big impact to their financial ability. The developers or government should also take attention with this issue in order to minimize the impact to the work in site. By that, making improvement either on their own party or employers is important to solve the problems. Besides that, the research is also expected to grab the attention of the employers or developers in making their payments promptly and timeliness. This research help to find out the most common reasons cause the delay in progress payment for construction project in private and public sector. Compare the reason which most frequently happens to see whether these two different fields face the same problems in getting payment. Public projects usually involve more parties in preparing the payment certificate, while private projects which are normally involved weak financial backgrounds employers. After identify the factors causes delay in these two fields, the next step is to find the solution to solve the problems. Through the research, the findings may assist the relevant parties such as developers or government and the contractors in addressing problems associated to late payment in an effective and timely manner to create a win-win situation for all parties in the Malaysian construction industry. It is hoped that the relevant parties will adopt and implement the necessary plan of action in order to minimise disputes on payment in any construction project, so as to create a friendly and enjoyable working environment for all parties and to improve the payment flows in the Malaysian construction industry. Scope of Study This research will be focusing on late payments in the Malaysias construction industry in both private and public project in Johor Bahru. This study will focus on the building works in construction projects. This research will be focusing on the main party in the Malaysias construction industry, which is a contractor. Contractors, whose are carry out the works on site and receiver of payment to make sure the construction works in the progress. Hence, they are the important party in getting the right information in this research. Research Methodology The research for this study was conducted using the following approaches: a) Literature Review This includes the secondary data and information collected from different sources which can be used to conduct the research. The sources include books, journals, magazines, newspaper, dissertations, conference papers, periodicals, information from the internet, etc. These materials were used as background information in order to fully understand the information needed for discussion and analysis in the research. The information can be any issues related to the delay in payment in global construction industries. b) Questionnaire Survey The principal method used to collect primary data from contractors was the use of a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was designated according to the problems in delay of payment in both sectors, private and public in order to achieve the objective of the study. Further details and analysis of the data will be discussed in Chapter 3. c) Interview Besides questionnaire survey, interview sessions will be conducted to collect the primary data. In order to get more exact and detail data, experienced contractor will be the target respondents to be interview. (Placeholder1) (Sub-contractors to be paid directly by Works Ministry) (n.d.). References Chaplin, D. (Director). Contractors suffering late-payment abuse by agencies clients, reveals latest survey [Motion Picture]. Davenport, J. (9 April, 2010). Contruction survey reveals worrying payment-delay trend. Construction Industry Development Board . Cape town: Engineering News. Murali Sambasivan, Y. W. (2006). Causes and effects of delays in Malaysian construction industry. International Journal of Project Management , 524. Naseem, N. A. (2005). International Forum Construction Industry Payment Act and Adjudication. Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act . Kuala Lumpur: CIDB and ISM. Pitcher, G. (2010, April 26). Construction late payment worsens. Construction News. Sub-contractors to be paid directly by Works Ministry. (2008, Feb 1). New Straits Times Online.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Story of Jose Rizal by Austin Craig
The Story of Jose Austin Craig Rlzal Chinsegut Hill University of Florida Libraries )h- ?yv^. ^>-. (l. witliDUt lu-sitatioii. Willi not a reerret in the a'lv'mg; No matter what place, ââ¬ËMid cypress or laurel or Whether on lilies. scaH'old. in open. Or combat or martyrdom same the Who the jtuem dies for his written home and by Dr. Rizal the ere of hix execution . crurl. to the hcrt) It is /'â⬠/â⬠¢(;/// ââ¬Å"â⬠what condition, (Lieut. E. in his tiresidt. â⬠Fort Santiago clnn^cL H, Rubottom^s translation uu . THE STOKY J R OSK rHK ORKATKS'I^ Ol 1 Z MAN A Ol THK UHOW? ^ HAO; The study of the life and character cannot but be beneficial esirous of imitating: him. of Dr, Rizal to those ââ¬âPresident PHII. IPPINTK Wm. H. T^ff, MANILA KDUCATION PUBLltaHlKO 1 ooo CO. L A FTHOirS These pages aim the principal of Spanish time a to to summarise figure letter in NOTE the interest in him meant and suspicion. fully destroyed everything relating circumstances variations it is from events in the life During mentioning Dr. Bical was sufficient cause deportation of both zvriter any main Philippine history. receiver, Even him. to and to Under such quite natural that there should he the popidar version of his show his family care- many life in this first uthentic hiography. The statements are based on lahorions researches in government and church records, extensive inquiries among relatives, associates and confemjwraries, and a careful study of the considerable Kizal literature, but achiowltdgment of those obligations must Jje deferred till the puhlication of the larger worlc. Here ii is possible only to express gratitude for the enthusiastic interest shown by the Filipinos, and appreciation , of the courtesy of the Spaniards, uniformly experienced during the five years i^i ivliich this study has been in indgrcss. I^HIUPflNK KDUCifVXION PUBLISH ^fC* COMPANYKBCJISTERED IN THE PHILIPPINES ISLANI>S I (Txi'/Jif of Tranxhifiori lifiicrved . ) Press of Metho dist Publishing House, Manila. EN The Story of ^Jose Rizae ^J OSE RIZAL, the martyr- hero of the Philippines, on the southwest shore of the picturesque laguna of Bay, in Luzon, June 19, 18G1. His father's family began in the Philippines with a Chinaman named Lam co who came from the Amoy district to Manila possibly because of the political troubles which followed the conquest of his country by the Manchu invaders. It was in 1697 that this ancestor, whose Christian name was Domingo, was baptized in the Parian hurch of San Gabriel. à » was born At first in Kiilamba, a merchant, he finally made up his mind to stay in these Islands, and turned farmer to escape the bitter anti Chinese prejudice which then existed in Manila. Rftther late in life he married the daughter of a countryman who was a dealer in rice and moved into La Laguna province to become a tenant on the Dominican Friars' estate at Biiian. His son. Francisco Mercado y Chinco, apparently owed his surname to the Chinese custo m of looking to the appropriateness of the meaning. Sangley, the name thruout all the Philippines for Chinamen ignifies ââ¬Å"travelling traderâ⬠and in the shop Spanish cf the Islands ââ¬Å"mercadoâ⬠was used for trader. So Lamco evidently intended that his descendants should stop travelling but not cease being traders. Francisco Mercado was a name held in high honor in La Laguna for it had belonged to a famous sea captain who had been given the encomienda of Bay for his services and had there won the regard of those who paid tribute to him by his fairness and interest in their welfare. Francisco's son was Captain Juan Mercado y Monica and he took advantage of his position to expunge from the municipal records the designation ââ¬Å"Chinese mestizoâ⬠fter the names of himself and family. Thus he saved the higher fees and taxes which Chinese mestizos then were compelled to pay. The Captain died when his youngest son, Francisco Fngracio Mercado y Alexandra, was only nine years old. An unmarried sister, Potenciana, twenty years older than boy and sent him to the Latin school. years later the husband of their sister Petrona died and they moved to the neighboring hacienda of Kalamba, also belonging to the Dominican order, to help the widow with her farm. The landlords recognized the industry of the young farmer and kept increasing his land until he became one f the most prosperous of their tenants. In 1847 his sister Potenciana died and the following year Francisco married. he, looked after the Some Dr. Rizal's Father His wife, Teodora Alonso y Quintos, was nine years his junior and a woman not only of exceptional ability but with an education unusual for that time in its modern- She was of Ilocano-Tagalog-Chineseness and liberality. Spanish descent, possibly having even a little Japanese blood, and her family counted lawyers, priests, govern- ment officials and merchants among its members. They boasted of one representative of the Philippines in theSpanish Cortes, and it is said to have been a youthful ambition of Dr. Rizal to fill some day the same position. A new family name was adopted in 1850 by authority of the royal decree of the preceding year which sought to remedy the confusion resulting from many unrelated Filipinos having the same surnames and a still greater number having no last names at all. The new name, however, was not taken from the government lists but appears to have been selected, as was the old one, because of its appropriateness. Rizal, a shortened form of the Spanish word for ââ¬Å"second cropâ⬠, seemed suited to a family of armers who were making a second start in a new home. Francisco Rizal soon found that in spite of his legal authority for it. the new name was making confusion in business affairs begun under the old name, so he comproHis mothmised, after a few years, on ââ¬Å"Rizal Mercadoâ⬠. er-in-law, who lived in the neighborhood, at the same time adopted the name ââ¬Å"Rialondaâ ⬠and her children fol lowed her example. So it was that when Jose Protasio Rizal was baptized, the record showed his parents as Francisco Rizal Mercado and Teodora Realonda, another spelling of ââ¬Å"Rialondaâ⬠. St. Protasio, the child's patron, very properly was a artyr, and that a Filipino priest baptized and a secular archbishop confirmed him seem also fitting. Jose's mother taught him his letters, learned at three, and his uncles and an- aunt interested themselves in his training untila young man named Monroy, who had studied for the priesthood but never taken the final orders, came into the house as Jose's tutor. The impression of his first reading lesson, which was the story of the foolish butterfly in Abbe Sabatier's ââ¬Å"Children's Friendâ⬠, was prophetic of a martyr's fate, for the child envied the insect which had died for the sake of Early the injustices and abuses daily to be he light. seen in Kalamba attracted his attention and he wondered if in the la nd across the lake, which to him then seem- ed a distant country, the people were happier and the officials less cruel than they were on the shore where his home was. No small part of his childhood training came from listening to the Spaniards, officials and priests, who generally were guests in the Eizal home when they visited Kalamba. The parish priest, Father Leoncio Lopez, also made the boy the companion of his walks, and the confidant of his views on the injustices done the Filipino clergy. On his pony or afoot with his dogUsman, Jose explored all the picturesque region which lies about Kalamba, but his first journey from home was at seven when his family -visited Antipolo during the festival in honor of the Virgin *'of Peace and Safe Travf'lâ⬠which had been brought from America by an early Spanish governor. Until he went away to school, and then during his holidays at home, entertainments were given the neighbors ââ¬ËOur Lady of Peace and Safe Voyages who is venerated at Actipoloâ⬠ââ¬â l'>()rii Hail. Flower of Purity, Queen Hail, ââ¬Å"Al Juveniud Pilipina,'. of the seas. Seamen's Security, Emblem of peace. Antipolo. Of thee we all know.The fame of thy name shall not cease. The picture was found RizaVs album and in Dr. engraving placed by him, according to the Filipino custom, inside his is the chest home. when he Jirst left and shadow movintr pictures. These shadowgraphs were made by paper figures moved by his clever fingers between a lamp and a white curtain. Their novelty and his skill were the subject of village talk which magnified them as it repeated the stories until the boy came to be enveloped in a sort of mystery. As he became more than a local hero, these tales spread thru the archipelago abreast with his growing reputation nd were doubtless the foundation for the belief in his miraculous powers which existed among the illiterate of his countrymen. In two years at the Biiian Latin school, where he lived in the home of an au nt, he got beyond tlie old schoolmaster, Florentino Aquin Cruz, and returned to Kalamba to wait till he was old enough to go to Manila. After a few weeks in the public school under a Lucas Padua, who had been a student in the Jesuit Normal School, Jose rested for a while from studying. His unfavorable opinion of the public school and its methods are very apparent, however, from frequent references in his writings.His brother Paciano had been studying philosophy in San Jose College but really had been more interested in the stirring political matters of the day so that it was considered better for Jose, when he went to Manila, to not go with the elder brother. He lived with the keeper of a sinauiay store in which his mother was a partner thru furnishing the capital, and seems first to have been examined in San Juan de Letran College but not to have attended there. This was in June, 187 1, and of the rest of that school year there is no record, but college mates say that once in Spain he spoke f having been in the Jesuit Normal and laughed aver the recollection of his first struggles with Spanish. His Ateneo record shows credit for arithmetic but evidently given for examination on entrance, which was June 15, 1872, and learning Spanish would certainly have been enough work for one year. The first year in Manila was important in Dr. Rizal's education tho the knowledge was not gained in school. On January 20, 1872, the liberal ideas that had been rapidly gaining ground in the Philippines received a terrible set back thru an insurrection in Cavite which was of sleight- of -liaiid tricks ade the pretext for removing the progressive leaders tho their guilt was never established and the people bePaciano kept his brother posted on lieved them innocent. the conditions nor did Mrs. Rizal conceal from her sons her interest in the situation and belief that injustice was being done^ ââ¬Å"To the memory of the priests, Don MARIANO GOMEZ (aged 86 years) DoD JOSE BURGOS (aged 30 years )à » and Don JACINTO Executed ZAMORA on (aged 35 years) Bagumbayan Field February, 1872. ââ¬Å"The Church, by refusing to unfrock you, has placed in doubt the crime which has been charged against you; the State, by enveloping your trial in ystery and uncertainty, caused belief in an error committed in a fatal moment; and the Philippines, by venerating your memory and calling you martyrs, does not recognize in any way your guilt. â⬠{The dedication of the novel ââ¬Å"El Filibustensmo. ^^) JO With the following year, when he entered the Ateneo Municipal, his real schooling began. This school, whose semi-centennial is to be celebrated in 1909 and which has educated the greater part of the leading men of the Philippines of today, had been founded by the Jesuits upon their return to the Islands after nearly a century of banishment.In methods of instruction it was in 187'2 the only modern school in Manila, but it was particularly because Filipinos were given the same tre atment there as Spaniards that the school was so popular. Hundreds were going as day scholars awaiting a vacancy in the dormitory that they might enjoy the advantages of a boarder. It was not until his fourth year that Jose's opportunity came. The Ateneo Municipal On March 14, 1877, he received his bachelor's degree in Arts with highest honors, having been first in his class in both deportmtent and scholarship thruout the course and having won most of the prizes offered by the school.The next year he did double work, taking the first year in philosophy in the University of Santo Tomas and studying agriculture in. the Ateneo. This latter course was also completed with highest honors but because h^ was not yet of the legal age his credentials as ââ¬Å"agricultural expert and surveyorâ⬠were not issued until two years later. 11 Hig second, third and fourth years in the Manila university were in medicine and were combined with outside studies in painting, and sculpture, and intere st in two societies established by the Jesuits, the Academy of Spanish Literature, of which he was president, and theAcademy of Physical Sciences, in which he held the position of secretary. Modelling liad come from making masks, or false faces, from clay for which Jose used to go out to a cousin's brick yard at San Pedro Macati, and when younger his play with wax in Kalamba had been to fashion rude birds. Drawings of men with arms like X's on the margins ot his Abbe Sabatier, for which his mother had scolded him, had been followed by daubings in color. One festival day, when an important banner had been lost just before Bust, Rizal, by modelled of Padre Dr. Guerrico, one of his Ateneo instruc-ââ¬Ë received tors. medal t (190'4) 12 It Exposition. the St. a gold Louis the procession in which it was to be used, young Rizal hastily painted a substitute that the deh'ghted municipal captain said was every bit as good as the original which had come from Manila. From a Spanish translati on of the Latin Vulgate his mother had read to him the poetry of the Bible as well as the stories usually told to children and its rich imagery had made an impression. Then she had encouraged his efforts at rhyming, which were inspired by the simple verses in Abbe Sabatier's â⬠Children's Friendâ⬠, and at eight a Tagalog comedy of his had een bought by the municipal captain of Paet for as much as a farm laborer earned in half a month. Verses to Magellan, to El Cano, on Education, a French ode, and a dozen other efforts had given practice and each was better than its predecessor. At eighteen competition held by the ââ¬Å"Liceo Artispoem ââ¬Å"Al Juventud Filipinaâ⬠(To the Filipino Youth) he won the special prize for â⬠imliaths' in a tico Literarioâ⬠with the and mestizos. The next year the same lyceum in a contest in honor of Cervantes allowed Spaniards, mestizos and imUans ail to enter the same competition. The first prize for prose as awarded Jose Rizal's ââ¬Å"Consejo de los dioses (Council of the Gods)â⬠and the jury gave it another special prize as the best critical appreciation of the author of ââ¬Å"Don Quixote. â⬠At the public meeting in the old Variadades theatre, Governor General Primo de Rivera presented to the young student the gold ring bearing a bust of Cervantes which had been won by him as ââ¬Å"one who had honored Spain in this distant landâ⬠, to quote from the newspaper account. Everybody had expected this prize to be won by Friar Evaristo Arias, one of the most brilliant literary men the CFniversity of Santo Tomas had ever had on its faculty, nd there was astonishment and disappointment among his many friends who were present to applaud his triumph when the award of the jury and the opening of the envelopes reveafed the success of an unknown medical student. Naturally, as the Jesuits and Dominicans were rivals in school work, there was corresponding elation in the Ateneo and among its friends for, tho Rizal was a student 13 THE The use of the PRIZE FOR ââ¬Å"AL word Spain in JUVENTIJD FILIPINAâ⬠the translation makes the meaninxi vnmistakable bid the reference ivas not obscure in the originoh Prosperity once for an era in this land held reign.But now it groans beneath an iron yoke, Slowly expiring from a mortal stroke Ruthlessly dealt by the grim, nnpitying hand of Spain. And yet if it should now devoutly bend tlie knee At the shrine of Patriotism, might it still be free? Alas! In the sad future, for unnumbered days, AVill come the reckoning which man repays AV'ho, putting his own before his country's gain, Finds in his own ensuing degradation, Slave of a cruel, harsh invading nation, His rewanl; in pestilential 'ars and endless pain. 14 Paciaiio encouraged him and so did Antonio Kivera, a distant cousin of bis mother's in whose house he hadI5een living and to whose beautiful daughter, a few years younger than himself, be was engaged. Nor did his old professors in the Ateneo, of whom he sought advice, try to dissuade him. So, on May 5, 1882, after he had been recalled by a cipher telegram from Kalamba, where he had been staying for a short visit, he embarked for Singapore on the mail steamer â⬠Salvadoraâ⬠and after the six days that the journey then took he transferred to a foreign passenger ship which carried him to Barcelona. There was quite a distinguished passenger list of returning officials and their families among whom Rizal figured, according to is passport, as ââ¬Å"J^se Mercado, a native of the district Paciano furnished the funds but as soon of Santa Cruz. â⬠as his father learned of Jose's going he arranged to send him money regularly thru Antonio Rivera. This roundabout way was necessary as life would not have been pleasant for any provincial family known to have sent one of its sons abroad to be educated, especially for a family like the Mercados who were tenants on an estate which was part of the university endowmen t. From Barcelona Rizal quickly went to Madrid and contin^jed his double course in philosophy and letters and in medicine. Besides he found time for more lessons in rawing and painting, and studied languages under special teachers. In 1884 he received the degree of Licenciate in Medicine and the following year, on his twenty-fourth birthday, the like degree in Philosophy and in Letters, and with highest honors. On the voyage to Spain or just after arrival, Rizal wrote and sent back to a Manila Tagalog daily an article on love of native land, and he continued to write for the paper during the short time it lived. The Filipino students in Spain knew Rizal by reputation, many of them had bee a schoolmates of his, and they enthusiastically welcomed him, but in their gayety he took o part. He economized in everything else to have money to spend on books and his first purchases included ââ¬Å"Picturesque Americaâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Lives of the Presidents of the United States', ââ¬Å"The Ang lo Saxonsâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The English ! ZAL'S SHIP ; m THE SUEZ CANAL [Photograph from IHs album) THE SONG OF THE WANDERER (Translation by Arthur P. Ferguson. ) Like to a leaf that is fallen and withered, Tossed by the tempest from pole unto pole, Thus roams the pilgrim abroad without purpose, Roams without love, without country or soul. Following anxiously treacherous fortune, Fortune which e'en as he grasps at it flees.Vain tho the hopps that his yearning is seeking Yet does the pilgrim embark on the seas Ever impelled by invisible power, Destined to roam from the East to the West, Oft he remembers the faces of loved ones, Dreams of the Day when he, too, was at rest. Chance may assign him a tomb on the desert. Grant him a final asylum of peace, Soon by the world and his country forgotten God rest his soul when his wanderings cease! Often the sorrowful pilgrim is envied. Circling the globe like a sea gull above; Little, ah, little they know that a void Saddens his soul by the absenc e of love. Home may the pilgrim return in the future,Back to his loved ones his footsteps he bends; Naught will he find but the snow and the ruins, Ashes of love and the tomb of his friends. Thou must seek other pasturcis, Stranger thou art in the land of thy birth, Others may sing of their love while rejoicing; Thou once again must retra verse the eartli. Pilgrim, begone! Pilgrim, begone! Nor return more hereafter, Dry are the tears that a while for you ran, Pilgrim, begone! and forget thy affliction. Loud Uughs the world at the sorrows of man. J8 Revolutionâ⬠and other indications that then, as he said later, ââ¬Å"the free peoples interested him most. The affectation and love of display of some of his countrymen disgusted him and at the same time convinced him of a theory he later declared in regard to race This same disgust, he reasoned, is felt toward the ostentatious new rich and the braggirt self-made man, only these when they come to their senses are no longer distingu ishable from the rest of the world while the man of color must suffer for the foolishness of his fellows. So he who by nature was little inclined to be self-conceited, boasting or loud came to be even more unaffected, simpler in dress and reposeful in manner as he tried to ake lymself as different as possible from a type he detested. Yet this was at no sacrifice of dignity but rather brought out more strongly his force of character. His many and close friendships with all who knew him, and that his most intimate friends were of the white race, (one of his Spanish jailers even asked to be relieved of his charge because the association was making him too prejudice. fond of his prisoner) seem to show that Dr. Rizal's theory was right. One day, after an association aimed to help the Philippines had gone to pieces because no one seemed willing to do anything unless he were sure of all the glory, some f the students met in an effort to revive if. The effort was not successful and then Riz al proposed all joinino- in a book, illustrated by Filipino artists, to tell Spain about the real Philippines. The plan was enthusiastically received but tho there was eagerness to write about, the ââ¬Å"The Pilipina Womanâ⬠the other subjects were neglected. Rizal was disappointed and dropped the Then he came across, in a second-hand booka French copy of ââ¬Å"The Wandering Jewâ⬠and bought it to get practice in reading the language. The book affected him powerfully and he realized what an aid to the Philippines such a way of revealing its wrongs ould be, but he dreaded the appearance of self-conceit in announcing that he was going to write a book like subject. store, Eugene Sue's. idea of writing So he said nothing to any one, yet the NoU Me Tangere was constantly in his 19 mind from the night in January of 1884 when he finished the French novel. During his stay in Madrid, Dr. Rizal waa made a freemason in Acacia Lodge No. 9 of the ââ¬Å"Gran Oriente de Espaiiaâ⬠at whose head was then Manuel Becerra, later Minister of Ultramar, or Colonies. Among the persons with whom he thus became acquainted were Manuel Ruiz Zorilla, Praxedes M. Sagasta, Emilio Castelar and VictorHowBalaguer, all prominent in the politics of Spain. ever slight the association, it came in the formative period of the young student's life and turned his thoughts into He no longer constructive lines rather than destructive. thought only of getting rid of Spanish sovereignty but began to question what sort of a government was to reAt Barcelona he had seen the monument of place it. General Prim whose motto had been ââ¬Å"More liberal today than yesterday, more liberal tomorrow than todayâ⬠yet he knew how opposed the Spanish patriot had been to a Spanish republic because Spaniards were not prepared for it.So he resolved to prepare the Filipinos and the compaign of education which he saw being waged by Spaniards in Spain Rizal thought would be no more unpatriotic or anti- Spanish if carried on by a Filipino for the Philippines. Already he had become convinced of one political truth which was to separate him from other leaders of his countrymen, that the condition of the common people and not the form of, Uie government is ââ¬â the all-important thing. From Madrid, after a short trip thru the more backward provinces because these were the country regions of Spain and so more fairly to be compared with the Philippines, Dr.Rizal in 1885 went to Paris and continued his medical studies under an eye specialist. Association with artists and seeing the treasures of the city's rich galleries also assisted in his art education. For the political part Masonry again was responsible. The Grand Orient of France was not recognized by the Spanish Masonry of which Rizal was a member but held relations with a rival organization over which Frof. MiMoray ta presided. So in Rue Cadet 16 he was initiated into this irregular body which had been responsible for the Fren ch Revolution and, because it did not re- guel 20 Dr. Rizal's Library hown here makes the Of the open volumes first is in German, next Site's ââ¬Ë^Wan- Attother small case with those half reinaining of his books. Goetheâ⬠s â⬠Wilhelni Meisttrâ⬠' and the third a ââ¬Å"The Lives of the rlering Jewâ⬠' edit ion # of finely illustrated Spanish Presidents of the United St a ( EXPEDIENTK (7 ^? rother knew of the insurrection, tho the use of the thumbscrews and hanging him by the arms had taken place in Manila just after Dr. Rizal had sailed for Spain. In those days a prisoner was compelled to testify against himself, and the Doctor answered very frankly except Avhere othesrs ere concerned. The use of symbolic names among his Masonic acquaintances made jt possible for him to say in many cases that he did not know any one of such a name. At other times his memory was made the excuse for not caring to answer, but where it concerned himself there were no subterfuges. T he man whose word was so sacred to him that he would not take any of the many chances to escape offered during his years in banishment disdained any attempt at deception. *^ He had said that his conscience was clear and in his trial he seemed only anxious that his real position shall be understood. In act he asked permission to address a proclamation to the rebels in the field who had been deceived into insurrection by the fraudulent use of his name, and when it was read by the prosecutor that zealous official added it as him only -by another proof of disloyalty. It urged that tbey disband now, for they were unfitted for independence and should first educate and fit themselves before they attempted to There was no cringing or denying separate from Spain. Riof responsibility but neither was there any bravado. zal's additions to his defense were as clearly reasoned and dispassionate as tho he were debating with a friend nd not on trial for his life. No time was lost in convicting him nor in confirming the military court's decision but he was sentenced to be shot on December 30, 1896. Just after Rizal became aware of his sentence to death but before bis transfer to the chapel he wrote the poem now f amors as ââ¬Å"The Final Farewell. â⬠It was copied on a small sheet of notepaper, folded lengthwise into a narrow strip and then doubled and wedged inside the tank of a little alcohol lamp on which his cooking in the cell had been done. At the farewell to his sister Trinidad while in the chapel he said: ââ¬Å"I have nothing to give you as a ouvenir except the cooking lamp Mrs. Tavera gave me and then so the guard might not while I was ii^ Paris understand he said in a low tone, in English, ââ¬Å"There is something inside. â⬠The lamp was taken with his other belongings from the fort and it was not until the night of the second day after his death that it was deemed safe to investigate. Then when the verses were found they were immediately copied and the copy without comment mailed to Hong Kong. There they were published. But Rizal had time to polish the poetry a little and thru another channel safely sent the revised poem so the morning after his death opies of it were found on the desks of prominent Filipino > â⬠sympathizers. He had been a prisoner in Fort Santiago, at first ââ¬Å"incomanicadoâ⬠in one of the dungeons and later in a cell on the ground floor. After his sentence he was removed to the fort chapel with troops on guard in the courtyard in The military chaplains offered services which front of it. ââ¬Å"My own ââ¬Å"Of all of ââ¬Å"My own idolized Native Country, my sorrows the saddest, Philippines, ââ¬Å"Hear now my my beloved! adieu, ray last farewell! 40 ââ¬Å"Behold ââ¬Å"My all for parents, thee my I am leaving, friends long beloved! ââ¬Å"I go where no slaves are in bondage, No hangman, nor cruel oppressor, ââ¬Å"Where faith does not justify murder, ââ¬Å"And God is the Ruler Eternal. ââ¬Å"A dieu, Oh my parents and brothers, ââ¬Å"As part of my soul here remaining, ââ¬Å"Ye friends of the years of my childhood, ââ¬Å"And of the dear home lost forever! ââ¬Å"Give thanks unto God, that already ââ¬Å"I rest from the day's toil and trouble. ââ¬Å"Farewell unto thee, gentle stranger, ââ¬Å"My friend ââ¬Å"Farewell, ââ¬Å"Oh weep and all my joy thou wert ever! ye beings beloved! not, for death *L is but resting! he courteously declined but later Jesuits came, from iiia old school, whom he warmly welcomed. These brought a ittle wooden image of the Sacred Heart which as a schoolboy he had carved with a penknife during playtime and had put up inside the door in the dormitory. During all the tweTity years it had stayed in the same place for Rizal was not only the favorite of his fellows as a student but had remained the hero of the Ateneo boys up to that time. The recollection of his happy school days brought up memories of when for his exemplary conduct he had been a le ader in the Marian Congregation, and of the verses he had written in honor of the Virgin. A retraction was required by the Archbishop before he ould receive the consolations of his religion and several forms were proposed. Practically every victim of political persecution had left a retraction couched in such language that its spontaneousness was always questioned. The one dictated for Rizal was no exception and the Jesuits knew he would never sign it so they substituted a form of their own, giving what was essential for reconciliation with the Church and worded in a way that would not recall the differences Rizal had had with some of its minis- With its ideas the prisoner was satisfied but he very reasonably argued that unless in his style no one ould believe that he had changed the habit of a lifetime in its last moments. To this request the Jesuits say they agreed and the retraction was re- worded by him. Unfortunately the original has been lost and that it was ever made was disp uted, at the time it was first pubNo one of his family was permitted to see it. lished. Nevertheless the attending circumstances all argue in Strongest of all is the favor of its having been made. testimony of the Jesuits who were not mixed up in the politics of that time when church and state were so interwoven that it was argued that no one could be a good Catholic who was not a good Spaniard.Two copies, differing only in phraseology, have been published. Of these the one telegraphed to Madrid and published in ââ¬Å"El Imparcialâ⬠on December 31st, 1896, seems to be more Rizal's style and is free from those for- ters. 4;i mal church terms which he would have been likely to nothing he could not have sfgned in when he was expressing his religious views to Dapitan Father Pastells. But th^n a political recantation as well as a religious reconciliation was desired. avoid. Tliere The is in it retraction reads: I want to live and ââ¬Å"I declare rayself a Catholic. I retract with all my heart whatdie as a Catholic. ver I have said or written or done against the Church and our Lord Jesus Christ. I give up Masonry which is an enemy of the Church. â⬠ââ¬Å"The head of the diocese may publish this retrac tion, which I make of my own accord, to repair as as may be possible the scandal caused by May all men forgive writings and by my acts. for the injury which I have caused to many. â⬠far my me After his confession Dr. Eizal was married to Josephine Bracken, the adopted daughter of a Hong Kong retired engineer who had come to Dapitan to see if there was any cure for his lost sight. Rizal had fallen in love with he girl, who was ten years younger than himself, and had asked her to stay in Dapitan until they could be married but tho authorized by law there was no provision in the Philippines fqr civil marriage and so there was no chance for the ceremony until this reconciliation with His wife, the daughter of an Irish sergeant the church. in the British army in India and, to judge by her features, an Indian mother, was also of his faith. The belief that Mrs. Rizal was an Eurasian is^ borne out by the fact that she was educated in the Italian convent of Hong Kong which has so many of that mixed Her adopted mother, Mrs.Taufer, from whom blood. she took her middle name of Leopoldine, was Portuguese, and thru her knowledge of that language she found Spanish easy to learn. If she had not known Rizal personally she at least ticing medicine in knew of him while Jje was prac- Hong Kong. It was now morning and after a short interval the march to the place of execution, on the Luneta, was begun, on foot and with a heavy escort of soldiers. 44 In the same place where the three priests had been 1872 and where his very- very-great-grandfather had his rice store, two centuries back, beside a bastion of the same name he had given to Kalamba in the novel or which he was dying, Jose Rizal with a pulse that beat as naturally as ever was shot by Fili pino soldiers behind whom stood Spanish soldiers to see the order was unhesitatingly obeyed. The request that he might not be shot from the back because he was neither traitor to Spain nor to his own country was refused. A powerful effort of the will in falling led the victim to turn himself so as to fall with his face to the sky. So the Spanish soldiers saw hira as they filed past his dead body and the cheers for Spain and the triumphal music of the band as it played the March of Cadiz did not prevent a feeling of admiration for the brave man.Spain's was a brief triumph, for tho the first killed in anniversary of his death was celebrated by desecrating his grave, the second found it decorated, and each sue ceeding year has seen an increased importance given* to the day which has become the great holiday of the Philippines. The martyr's body was put in an unmarked grave in Paco cemetery but a way was found to have a small marble stone, bearing his initials in reversed order, dropped in with the un coffined remains Within less than two years, on the first day of American occupation, the body was raised for a more decent interment and tbe marble slab rests under a cross bearing nly the date ââ¬Å"Dec. 30, 1896â⬠. The ashes have since been put in an urn of Philippine woods carved by the skillful hands of Dr. Rizal's instructor in carving, and will be finally deposited in what will be by far the finest of Manila's monuments, the P100,000 memorial which is to mark the place where he gave his life for his country. His widow joined the insurgents at Cavite, and later returned to Manila and then to Hong Kong where in 1898 she was married to a Filipine ^tudent from Cebu. She taught in the public schools of Manila in 1901, and in the following year died in Hong Kong and is buried there inRizal's Execution. (Courtesy of Mr. 46 Dantas) the Catholic part of Happy Valley cemetery beside the monuirjent of her adopted father, George Taufer, the blind man, who was an Ame rican. him but a year, but his and not long ago refused a proffered pension from the Assembly with the statement that she did not believe in paid patriotism and was content that her son had done his duty. Of the numerous Rizal relatives there seem to be none in politics but all are industrious and seeking to bring Dr. Rizal's fatlier survived mother still lives about the independence of their country in the way their istinguished kinsman recommended, working to increase its wealth and availing themselves of every opportunity for education. A new province bears Doctor Rizal's name, his picture appears upon the most generally used values of postage stamps and paper money, every town in the Philippines has its Rizal Street or Rizal Square, Manila has a flourshing Rizal University, a Rizal Ateneo and a Rizal Business College, and his birthday is getting to be observed as well as the day of his death, but Filipinos are forget- I ;* B -i I f t f Former Grave ââ¬Ë â⬠of Dr. 47 â⠬ ¢ Ris&l ââ¬Å"i
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Swot Analysis Business Management - 1016 Words
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) are a way that business managers, owners, and general employees can look at their job, or business. I chose this however, because it is so ubiquitous, while it is often used in the business world it can apply to virtually any situation and this is why it is a great idea and thing to follow. It provides an outline that the individual may choose to follow, this is important because people often are not analytical and objective. This leads to rational decisions such as someone doing something on a whim, or making a choice out of emotion which only works sometimes. If the individual can see the details of SWOT in every scenario or even most it will be beneficial and save time. It is an efficient and very simple way for someone to become analytical which can save a business from going under and failing. Following the SWOT in business is one of the many keys to success. It provides a way to be objective, if someone has the ability to see the strengths of a situation then they will have an unbiased view of how the choice or if they are hiring someone the strengths of that individual will help their business and bring them more profit as well as better satisfaction which is also necessary for a successful business. The weakness section is arguably the most important section. If you can see your weakness you know two things. What to stay away from, as well as what to improve on. A weakness is only a weakness until you thinkShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis : Business Management1283 Words à |à 6 Pages YourFirstName YourLastName University title Stakeholderââ¬â¢s analysis has a responsibility to manage its operations for the benefit of its stakeholders. Stakeholders comprise not only the shareholders of the stock of the company, but also the employees, customers, suppliers, trade associations, and community. 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It is the foundation for understandingRead MoreThe Global Tourism Industry Is Growing998 Words à |à 4 Pagesthat to find a proper strategic plan was necessary and urgent for the company. SWOT, as a business-assessment tool, helps management analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Berg Pietersma, 2015). Regardless of its limited merit, SWOT analyses are popularly applied in the reports of market research, stockbroker analysis, financial diligence reports, etc. (Evans, 2013). Specifically, ââ¬Å"SWOT analysis provides helpful information for matching resources and capabilities to the competitiveRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Apple Company s Management Team1380 Words à |à 6 PagesDecision-making is one of the paramount activities that the management of any organization partakes. Essentially, it is the responsibility of the management teams to analyse information and data that plays the role in decision-making. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Locked Down Gangs in the Supermax by Michael Montgomery...
Pelican Bay Supermax Pelican Bay Supermax After listening to and or reading the transcripts of Locked Down: Gangs in the Supermax by Michael Montgomery, one gets a glimpse of prison life, sociological issues inmates and staff face, and the subculture of prison life faced by staff and prisoners alike on a daily basis. However, instead of delving completely in to the situational circumstances of prisoner life, it is more important to understand the history of this Supermax prison and why it was constructed to begin with. Further, it is important to understand the philosophy of the need for the Secure Housing Unit, which is the most secure and isolated portion of Pelican Bay Prison. Pelican Bay Prison was designed, constructed andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Being confined in the SHU for years on end is almost looked-up upon by gang members and they feel that they too have a destiny with the SHU of Pelican Bay. Many gang related activities are directly controlled by the gang leaders in the SHU. Although prison staff attempt to block outgoing gang orders, many get through with surprising regularity. Orders such as murdering rival gang members, prison guards, and civilians are often traced directly back to those inmates in the SHU. There are ways that prisoners in the SHU can be placed into a less restricted area. This area is separate from the general population, yet more restrictive. Former SHU members must be able to get along with other former members, including prior rival gang members and mixed races. To be allowed to leave the SHU, members must show for a period of 6 years that they have no gang affiliations. They can not communicate in any way with other gang members either inside or outside the SHU. Another way that they can leave is through a lengthy debriefing process with prison staff as to their criminal gang history, plans, known members, names, tattoos, and so forth. This debriefing can take hours and information must be validated before a prisoner can actually be removed. Members in the SHU claim that it is impossible to not associate with other gang members and therefore the only realistic hope of leaving the SHU is through a debriefing process. For every gang member that
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